Saturday 15 June 2013

Frosty in Kuwait

Last week all employees of my company were provided with an emergency contact number to use in the case of arrest! It has been noted that there has been a significant increase in the number of "police checks", I myself have been stopped 3 times and asked for identification during my 6 month stay. 

69% of Kuwait's 3.8 million population is made up of expatriates! Recently the Kuwait ministry of interior announced its target to deport 100,000 expats annually for the next 10 years. There has been a recent deportation campaign which has seen many (exact numbers appear to differ across all sources, but it's is said to be in the thousands ) expats deported! Expats are being deported for any violation of the law- traffic offences, unmarried couples sharing accommodation, and incorrect visa or residency papers. I have seen footage of men in hoods raiding apartment blocks and "gathering" people for deportation- a little mental! 
The government has stopped issuing work/commercial visa's and rumour has it that when residencies run out many may not be renewed with the aim of filling many expat positions with Kuwaiti citizens. 
The Kuwait ministry of interior have stated that this decision comes as they fear the number of expats is causing a demographic imbalance. For me it seems to come at an odd time as Kuwait has a 30billion dinars development plan which includes construction of a new airport terminal, hospitals and a metro system, I cannot imagine Kuwaiti citizens performing this manual labour, 94% of Kuwaiti nationals are employed within governmental positions. Rumour has it by deporting expats costs will be cut however a  kuwaiti citizen will be paid a salary of up double that of an expat for the same position, most companies in fact have payment structure based on nationalities! 

Recently the government has been heavily criticised for restricting visiting hours for foreigners to the afternoons only (except in the case of an emergency y).........  

subsequently  the atmosphere in Kuwait seems to be a little frosty for expats at the moment!

Bypassing obesity

Since arriving in Kuwait I have met 3 people who have had gastric band surgery...and I don't get to meet many locals! The surgery has become so popular that the government has put a 3 month suspension on performing the procedure whilst it sets up a medical board to deal with obesity problems! Kuwait is now the 7th fattest nation ; 74% of its citizens are obese according to recent sources! Wow! 

Thursday 13 June 2013

Average morning in Kuwait

So I'm all set for my first dive in Kuwait and suddenly it dawns on me...if I'm skin diving can I really wear this bikini,it is over 45 degrees outside but I think back to the girl in her paisley burkini doing her pool dives last week hmmmmmm dilemma! I decide to risk it! I continue to get dressed rummaging through my wardrobe trying to find something practical that is not" too sexy", a question I ask myself most mornings! I leave the house in some knee shorts and a t-shirt- would I ever wear this ensemble in the uk, NEVER! On a daily basis I thank god for the maxi/midi trend!