Friday 15 February 2013

Underground Kuwait

So I briefly mentioned in an earlier post about my first experience of underground Kuwait, I feel this was a relatively tame evening in comparison to yesterday evening! Never the less I will elaborate on both stories.

So the first bar I went to, as I said previously was run by an European architect who was sponsored by a Kuwaiti guy, they had bought space in small office building which is pretty much empty, the place had free food and bar with a big screen with music video's playing, the vibe that evening was quite relaxed but I had been warned that at times the place turns in to a bit of a "sexy party"....there were a few Kuwaiti guys there with their "girlfriends", whom I can only assume were being paid for their company... getting pretty full on! Anyway the bar was pretty empty that night and we left at around 12. The guys that run the place invited me to spend the day with them on their yacht in the summer and to go for a ride with them the next day on their Harley's.......ridiculous. It all felt a little seedy though...

Thursday evening I was invited by a friend to a party, this party turned out to be in a building that was rented out -by a Kuwaiti of course- you can only own property here if you are a Kuwaiti- to various people to throw parties. The whole place was just full of sound proof flats in which everyone partying. We entered a party on the fourth floor and it was an experience to say the least, the room was rammed full of bodies and there was a sea of scantily dressed Filipino women, grinding on or against western men, those that were not with men were trying to grab men or dancing in front of mirrors in similar fashion to those dancing on men. When I first entered I was instantly surrounded by men and it was all a bit much, kindly an American guy-with Filipino girl in tow- who had witnessed my frustration,took a second to take a breath and inform me "you can't look at anyone, just dance" fortunately this advice did seem to help a lot! We wanted to explore the other parties but the guy running the party we were in said that they were full of Kuwaiti's and Filipino girls...I have heard in Oman there are many brothels/harems of this manner, apparently they say that Chinese or Filipino girls offer the "best fit" for the average Omani man........needless to say we did not visit any of the other parties! I went home to my feather duvet and emperor sized bed :-).As we left we did see a guy in traditional dress leaving with an asian lady who barely dressed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie, this is very interesting to read. Thanks for sharing your impressions!
