Friday 12 April 2013

Full Frontal Affair

I recently visited a small, very private beach approximately an hours drive from Kuwait city! We drove through the desert via highway to reach the small inlet of sea, I enjoy drives through the desert!

Kuwait's deserts are not the most picturesque, you can't help but note the sea of pylons and large industrial looking oil refineries however it still retains that sense of vastness! I really want to get involved in some desert trekking, I don't think people do it here in Kuwait, I think the landscape is quite bland so I dont blame them but there are definitely lots of treks in Jordan! I'm trying to remember if I have ever been in a setting where I am just surrounded by barely touched land before, I grew up near moorland so I think I have, the desert is just so unyielding, in the UK countryside you have streams and lots of visible is hard to describe the feeling the desert evokes, it has a strange beauty; I think it renders you feeling inferior,you are more than aware of how merciless it is! I guess being in the depths of the desert is similar to being in the middle of an ocean, when you can see only salty sea water all around! You know you'd be a little bit screwed if someone just plonked you there, popped your dingy and said swim for it biatch!HA!

We reached the beach eventually, after taking a few wrong turns- how anyone remembers what road to take is beyond me, everything looks the same to my untrained eyes- the beach was surrounded by big houses and I spotted a number of diplomatic number plates! There were only 3 other parties in the whole area so it felt quite serene! A lovely escape from the city!

As we left the area for the day we were followed by a young Kuwaiti boy on a quad bike, he must have been no older than 14, he drove right up alongside the car, one of the girls I was with stuck her fingers up at him and in response he decided to give us not only a full frontal flash but also a little performance to go with it....he should really consider investing in some tassel's!HA! Needless to say I left the serene landscape feeling a little perturbed!

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