Friday 3 May 2013


So today I'm visiting the private beach again, so far no sign of our flashing friend however we have been greeted with the presence of a noisy Arabic horse-yes that's right a horse, apparently this is standard behaviour in Kuwait! I think it's some sort of  strategy to pick up ladies, the men seem to have tied the poor animal up next to us and are proceeding to pose in order to encourage me to take more photo's ......odd! I can add this to the list of bizarre advances, a few I can remember from the last few weeks are as followed:

Arabic man: can I have some of your water
French girls and I: why you have two bottles of your own by your deck chair 
Arabic man: attempts to lead in to small talks but gives in, laughs and walks away. 

Whist reading on the beach....
Arabic man: can I borrow your book
Me: no I'm reading it. 
Arabic man: looks shocked: no?
Me: no 
Arabic man: ok I'm sat just over here, walks away to a spot near by.

Whist sitting on the beach- baring only arms and lower legs;

Arabic Man: nice body
Me: Glare 
Arabic man: ok my towel is over here I'd like you to come with me
Me: silence
Arabic man: retreats. 

Lise and I are also guilty of causing a car crash; as we were walking to a restaurant for dinner last week an arabic guy stopped his car so abruptly in order to allow us to cross the road that the car behind crashed into him. Ooops! We fled the scene and watched from a far as the drivers exchanged insurance details! Haha! 

I'm sure there are more, as I have returned to the 21st century now and purchased a smart phone I can  blog on the go, most pleasing! 

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