Tuesday 12 March 2013

Insha'Allah-God Willing, the reason for the lack of punctuality in the middle east!

Now I'm sure I am not the first one to write about this but I am going to go ahead and make the correlation between the term "insha'allah" and the distinct lack of punctuality here in the middle east- particularly Kuwait! The term insha'allah is used when speaking about events/meetings planned to occur in the future; it is written in the Qur'an that a Muslim should never make plans for the future without following with "insha'allah"- god willing(the same concept is also in the bible somewhere). Muslims believe that everything is already written "maktub" and therefore we should not say "we will do bla bla bla", as we do not know what god has planned for us, technically we could be lying. This belief may, in part, explain the ridiculously laid back attitude here when it comes to getting anything done, in my 2 months in Kuwait 80% of my scheduled appointments/meetings etc have been at least half and hour late, to get anything done, especially when it involves administration, generally takes at least twice as long as the time frame given, and nothing gets done unless you take responsibility of making sure it does! It is something you have to learn adapt to quickly, especially in the work place where it is likely to test you most!
  It is kind of a nice concept though really, don't stress, what will be will be!

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