Friday 22 March 2013

Proud to be Kuwaiti P2BK 2013

Last weekend I visited the local annual event "proud to be Kuwaiti". The event is held at the Kuwait International Fair Ground which consists of 8 halls and an outside space where different exhibitions are held- not really of the art variety, just food, books, industries etc. Normally this event is held in one of the halls, however due to it's popularity this year they decided to hold the event in the outside space and a souk was built especially. It was a pretty cool place to wander round, there were lots stalls full of Kuwaiti business', fashion boutiques, some displays of local crafts and a big stage with live performers. The things I enjoyed most were the huge sand sculptures and the art, there was a lot of cool graffiti, I found a book called "The Illustrated History of Kuwait"", the illustration reminds me of tin tin :-)! I would love to see a sand sculpture being made, I think they mix the sand with glass or something! Definitely worth the trip! I will be looking out for future exhibitions, I think they are hosting one with wedding dresses soon which could prove interesting to say the least, judging from the shops I have stumbled across! ha! A few pictures to follow....although I did not manage to get many......too many people :-(!

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