Friday 22 March 2013

Mayadeen Shooting Range

Mayadeen Shooting Range is one of the two public shooting ranges in Kuwait. I went a long to give it a whirl a few weeks a go with a very petite friend of mine who had already visited twice in two weeks; she had become some what of an addict . 
  On arrival there is a  small selection of both rifles and pistols to choose from. The largest rifle available is an AK-47, which is a rifle that was used by the Soviet Armed Forces, how cool! Naturally my very petite friend had already requested to shoot the AK47 and not surprisingly had been declined the opportunity....probably had something to do with the recoil; we opted for a slightly/much smaller rifle.
The range is in a stable type building and you get to shoot live ammunition at targets, I enjoyed the experience a lot! I am not sure why it feels so good to shoot a gun but I'm guessing it has something to do with the adrenaline, for me it was the same sort of feeling as winning a race! I thought I would be terrible however turns out I was pretty good! I will definitely be returning and next time I would like to shoot a pistol too, I have never shot a pistol before! Next time all shots will all be in the 10!

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