Friday 8 March 2013

skyfall 414 base jump- Chris McDougall sets the record for bas jumping in Kuwait!

Happy international Women's day; as a gift to the women of Kuwait Zain, Gulf Bank, Domino's Pizza, Go Sports ,Torino Lamborghini and Camco Global Events are throwing men off buildings! Amazing! Chris McDougall today set the record for base jumping in Kuwait by performing Kuwait's first ever base jump! He jumped from the tallest building in Kuwait Al-Hamra Tower, it is 414 metres high, a total of 80 floors! I stood in the audience and watched him jump twice from this tower! It was so exhilarating! Some how during the second jump I managed to stand with the photographers, the security guys were really nice, and sort of ushered me forward (maybe it was my professional looking camera :-)), when he landed everyone swarmed around him, I felt like I was photographing David Beckham or something, it was weird, it must be so annoying to be famous! Post papping I also got to have my photo taken with Chris (feels slightly odd referring to him by his first name, but hey..), he was really chatty, he said he was more comfortable up at the top of the building than down in front of the press but really I think he was a bit of a natural, very charismatic!
Definitely my best day in Kuwait so far! AMAZING! I would kill to have his Job.....I think, nobody has given me the opportunity to jump off a building with a parachute before, maybe i'd have second thoughts about risking my life over 4000 times, i'm not sure! Pictures to follow.....

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