Friday 22 March 2013

The Avenues Mall/Nightclub/Match.Mall

The Avenues Mall is the biggest mall in Kuwait and is pretty much the "place to be" for the locals, especially the younger generation. As most of you will probably know people pretty much do all their socialising in malls here as in the Summer it is too hot to be outside (so I hear) so the malls are full of places to eat and entertainment- similar to Dubai but not quite as grand yet- no ski slopes.
Thursday evening I went along to Avenues and enjoyed dinner in Benihana, a chain of teppan-yaki (teppan meaning- steel grill, Yaki meaning "broiled"- cooked on a steel grill) Japanese restaurants, the chain started in New York I think. It was my first time and it was yummy, our chef was rather amusing, the highlight of his performance was probably him making the shrimp dance Gang Nam Style. I'm not sure if all venues are the same but the decor basically had you sat in forest, I MISS NATURE, coming from London it seems bizarre to be saying this but living in Kuwait makes you appreciate how green Europe is with all it's parks, heaths, and rivers that are present even in the big cities, maybe I am a bit of a country bumpkin after all, HA!
 Post meal we had a little wander, avenues by night is a very different place, there were so many people just walking around, nobody was carrying shopping bags and the girls were all glammed up, I went in to the bathroom and it was like stepping in to the ladies in a nightclub, there were just rows of girls applying tons of make up! The young Arabic girls here like to wear a lot of make up, they must literally spend hours! I felt quite out of place with my bare face and casual harem pants! The men in the Mall were also quite keen to try their luck, I had one young guy come up to me and just state, " I want to F**K you", I think perhaps his English was limited but who knows.... ....maybe he has had luck with this line in the past! I conclusion I think avenues could roll with a new slogan....something a long the lines of "50% of relationships in Kuwait now start in Avenues Mall" ha ha.

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